This morning our newest Commissioner, Ron Barz, was administered the oath of office by Deputy Smithtown Town Clerk Maryanne Bordonaro at Smithtown Town Hall.
The Hauppauge Fire District and the Hauppauge Fire Department are proud to sponsor the Hauppauge Fire Department Junior Firefighters program. Many members of the Juniors go on to become full members of the Hauppauge Fire Department.
For membership information please visit the Department web site at The Juniors tab is under "Companies" or call 631 265 2499, Extension 117 and leave a message. An advisor will call you back.
Please note that meeting dates may be subject to change.
Please check back for change notices.
Greg Gottlieb
631-265-2499, Ext. 122
Edward Minder
631-265-2499, Ext. 108
Louis A. Zara, Chairman of the Board
Thomas LaFemina, Vice-Chairman
Scott E. Munro, Commissioner
Robert S. Wind, Commissioner
Ronald P. Barz, Commissioner
Carl T. Thomas
631 265-2499, Ext. 101
Joseph Hammel
Michael Buturla
631-265-2499, Ext. 102
Edward Giannelli
631 265 2499 Ext 103
Louis Marcus
631 265 2499 Ext. 126
Ronald Walker
631 265 2499 Ext. 117
A fire district is a district corporation of the State, distinct from the municipalities in which it is located. It has the power to require the levy of taxes on real property and to borrow in its own name. Fire districts should not be confused with fire protection districts. A fire protection district is a geographical area of the town which is provided fire protection pursuant to a contract made by the town board on behalf of the fire protection district with a city, village, fire district or incorporated fire company.
The district is governed by an elected board of five commissioners. The fire company or companies within the district constitute the fire district fire department The fire department is headed by a chief and an assistant chief or chiefs. The commissioners are authorized to adopt rules and regulations governing all fire companies and the fire department. A few of the more populated districts may have a small force of paid firefighters. Each fire district is required to have a treasurer and secretary.
The Board of Fire Commissioners serve staggered five year terms, with one commissioner elected annually. Before entering upon the duties of their office, the commissioners must take an Oath of Office. Each year they elect one of their members to be Chairman. Special rules apply to the selection of commissioners for a newly established or consolidated fire district. A commissioner may not be a District Treasurer, Chief or an Assistant Chief of the fire department.
The commissioners are the governing body of the fire district and have numerous powers and duties. The most important include:
- Keeping the fire district spending within the statutory limitation;
-Auditing and approving payment of claims;
-Designating the banks to trust companies to serve as depositories for district funds;
- Authorizing investment of fire district moneys;
-Establishing a petty cash fund;
- Giving notice of the annual election by publication, determining additional hours that the election polls may be open, designating a chairman of election, inspectors and ballot clerks;
- Compensating election officials and in certain circumstances dividing the fire district into election districts;
- Appropriating, by resolution, at any time the proceeds of insurance received for the loss, theft, damage or destruction of real property if to be used or applied to repair or replace such property;
- Holding public hearings pursuant to law;
- Consenting in writing to the extension of the fire districts;
- Petitioning town boards to consolidate fire districts, or alter boundaries of a fire district.
In addition to the above, the board may hire an attorney to counsel and assist in the discharge of its official duties; may engage a certified public accountant or public accountant to audit the accounts and fiscal affairs of the fire district; May organize, operate, maintain and equip fire companies in the district. The board of fire commissioners may also construct and maintain an adequate fire alarm system and employ such persons as may be necessary to effectuate the objects and purposes of the district. The board has exclusive management and control of the property of the fire district. Annually, it prepares and files with the Budget Officer of each town in which the fire district is located, detailed estimates of the amounts of revenues to be received and expenditures to be made in the ensuing year.